The use of the Official Seal Logo of the I.C.A.C. is exclusively reserved for authorized accredited courses only!
Because one of our goals is to make a clear distinction between the by the State ruled Academic Universities and the Higher Educational Religious Institutes (Seminaries, Church Universities, ...) ruled under authority of the Churches, we have decieded that the "Online Church University" logo may be used under creative commons license.
Under the following basic rules;
- as state by the CC License (to view, Click Here).
- it may only be used for the purpose which it is created for (no misleading*)!
You may NOT use this Logo for:
- claiming to be a part of us.
- claiming this to be a "quality" label
- claiming this to be a label of Authorization or Recognision.
- profit
You may use this Logo for the purpose of:
- clearly make the distiction between your religious institute and state universities.
- to show that you are a religious education institute.
- to show you are NOT State Ruled.
- to show you don't want to be state ruled.
- to show you are striving to a higher quality.
- to show you want to work together (as equals) with other Religious institutes who are using this Logo.
- to put on your website, blogs, courses, certificates (provided to uphold the CC License).
- to show that; although we are not eartly associated, we are one in spirit!
You must:
- link (give credit) to this website;
- for websites and other digital work by creating a direct and clear functional link.
- for physical uses like on paper; stating claerly the link and the CC License.
By using this Logo you automatic state you recognize the I.C.A.C. as an Legal Authorized Independent Soverneign Governing Body in it's own rights, ruled under church authority.
(This does Not mean anything for your own Religious Institute! You Still stay under your own authority and influence!You Merely state You recognize the fact that we are an legal independent religious institute)!
Online Church University Logo by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at;postID=6338910207469309176.